What is Mind and Life Coaching?

Mind and Life Coaching combines personal development with meditation instruction to help you develop a trustworthy relationship with your mind. No matter who you are or what is happening, you can experience clarity, compassion and confidence. 


A path of Personal Responsibility

This approach draws upon my training as a professional coach and a Buddhist chaplain. Thousands of years ago, the Buddha shook the world by asking humans to look at our minds and how we create our own suffering. Mind and Life Coaching is a contemporary, secular approach to this path of personal responsibility. By working with our minds, we can create less trouble and more ease for ourselves and others.  


Your offering to the world

This is especially empowering and important work for those seeking to create positive social change on small and large scales. Our families, schools, workplaces, communities, institutions and government are simply made up of all of us. We bring our mental states into every interaction we have. As we change ourselves, we change our world. What do you want to share with those around you? 

Let's talk about it in a complimentary, introductory call.

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