Mind and Life Coaching requires a willingness to experiment with how you think and live. You will be asked to engage in a brief, daily meditation practice. You will also be asked to explore one or two contemplative activities, and there are a wide-range of options: mind-body (e.g., walking, yoga, dance), creativity (e.g., journaling, art, music, singing), ritual and prayer, activism and volunteering, reading, storytelling, listening...
Further, you will be asked to curb your use of media and, ideally, take a breather from social media. Of course, there will be other little disciplines to employ based on your particular habits.
Mind and Life Coaching is most effective when engaged for two to three consecutive months in order to make immediate changes to thought and behavior patterns.
We will have two to four phone sessions per month, depending on your needs, which can include reflection, discussion, instruction, guided meditation and homework.
There is also email support including daily accountability check-in's on meditation if necessary.
After the initial engagement, some client work feels complete. Other clients return for follow up, and we create a custom schedule.
Potential outcomes
Increased ability to calm and stabilize the mind
Insight into personal patterns
Space to make new choices
An understanding of cause and effect on an individual and collective level
A healthy sense of humor about self and life
Increased creativity
Better listening
Realistic relationship with the stuff of life (e.g., food, alcohol, relationships, stuff, sex, work)
Decreased self-absorption
Sense of connection with people, animals, the environment
Greater ease with all emotions
Increased patience and empathy
Compassion for self and other (even in challenging situations)
Curiosity about the experience of being human
Less attachment to outcomes (!)